Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Sabbath rest. In 2014 we know little of Sabbath rest. Ours is life-on-the-go, always on the move, pedal to the metal, in touch, online, connected, 24/7.

To say the least, this is not what God intended. He orchestrated a week that included rest to give time to recuperate from work and time to refresh for more work.

The normal pattern was six days on, one day off, a pattern that followed God’s creative design. (Genesis 1-2) But rest is helpful and useful and allowable when necessary, even when it doesn’t follow the 6/1 pattern.

Jesus’ final Wednesday was a creative exercise of Sabbath rest.

Tuesday was a breathless rush of activity to activity, confrontation to confrontation, teaching to parable to equipping to rebuke. On Tuesday Jesus went hard from sunrise to sunset with no rest.

Not so Wednesday. Wednesday is the silent day.

There is no record of Jesus teaching on Wednesday. No prophecies and no confrontations, no parades and no parables. Jesus used Wednesday as a Sabbath rest for His body and soul before the suffering of the cross fell.

That is not to say that Wednesday was not productive. It was VERY productive. He rested on Wednesday. On Wednesday He regained energy lost from an over-busy Tuesday and on Wednesday He refueled for the ordeal ahead.

Wednesday marked two days and counting, forty eight hours, before His passion. He rested to be fully prepared to do what He had come to earth to accomplish, to offer Himself as a sacrifice on a Roman cross for your sins.

On Wednesday we worship a Savior who loved us so much He rested so that He could give Himself when the time to give came.

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