Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I suspect that all of us have had the experience of coming close to something we have anticipated for a long time. The Spurs enter the week before the long-expected playoffs. A woman with child begins to feel Braxton-Hicks contractions. A marathoner passes the twenty mile mark.

In each case, there is a sense that we have turned a corner. We are on the homestretch. One last push and there will be a payoff for all the discomfort, effort, pain and waiting.

After the Triumphal Entry of His last Sunday, Jesus went back to Jerusalem on Monday. Among the events of that Monday was a visit that He considered as noteworthy as any boxer considers the bell sounding the final round.

Philip and Andrew approached Jesus with news that some non-Jews (Gentiles) were seeking Him. “We wish to see Jesus” were their exact words.

That - being sought out by people who were not the people of God, prompted Jesus to say, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified.”

We remember that Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. When the lost came seeking Him, He knew the time was upon Him. Less than ninety six hours and He would be hanging from the cross. His race was almost run.

What GOSPEL (good news!) that Jesus didn’t stop at mile 20. His last week has begun. He’s not finished yet and He will press on until the work He came to accomplish is finished. On Monday, we worship our faithful, persevering Savior.

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